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Choosing the right print-on-demand (POD) platform is crucial for self-publishing your book. IngramSpark and Lulu are top choices for authors. But which one suits your book publishing best? Let’s dive into this question together.

Quick Recommendation: Click here to Boost Your Self-Publishing Success with Book Bolt! This is an awesome tool for creating and selling low content books. The puzzle generation component alone is worth the price of a pro subscription.

Key Takeaways

  • IngramSpark and Lulu are two leading print-on-demand services for self-published authors.
  • They offer different features, costs, and strengths that may make one a better fit for your specific publishing needs.
  • Factors to consider include print quality, distribution network, customization options, ease of use, and cost structures.
  • IngramSpark is known for its robust distribution and lower costs for full-color books, while Lulu may be more affordable for basic black-and-white books.
  • Understanding the pros and cons of each platform can help you make an informed decision for your self-publishing journey.

Comparing Essential Features of Print-on-Demand Services

When picking a print-on-demand (POD) service, look at three key things. These are the quality of printing, how wide the distribution network is, and the customization options. These factors greatly affect your self-published book’s success and visibility.

Print Quality

It’s vital to have high-resolution, vibrant color printing or rich grayscale for black-and-white books. Print quality makes your book look professional and attractive. This draws readers in.

Distribution Network

A big distribution network that works with big online stores like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and indie bookstores is important. Distribution helps your book reach people all over the world. It’s key to picking a POD service that gets your book out there.

Customization Options

Being able to change book sizes, paper types, and cover finishes makes your book unique. Customization lets you create a product that matches your vision and attracts your readers.

By looking at these important POD features, you can pick a service that fits your publishing goals. This helps your self-published book do well in the market.

Types of Print-on-Demand Book Services

When you self-publish your book, you’ll find many print-on-demand (POD) services. Each type has its own features and benefits. They can be grouped into three main types: retailer platforms, aggregator platforms, and full-service platforms.

Retailer Platforms

Retailer platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and Barnes & Noble Press focus on selling your book through their own sales channels. They take care of printing and distribution. This lets you reach a wide audience on their well-known marketplaces.

  • Amazon KDP can get your book ready in as little as 24-48 hours.
  • Barnes & Noble Press takes 5-10 business days, depending on the book type.

Aggregator Platforms

Aggregator platforms, like Draft2Digital, help distribute your book across many retailers without printing it themselves. They make it easier for authors to reach more readers.

  • Draft2Digital’s print-on-demand service, D2D Print, offers free templates for paperback creation and focuses on eBooks.
  • Lulu Direct has a production time of 3-5 days, while IngramSpark requires a custom quote.

Full-Service Platforms

Full-service platforms, such as IngramSpark and Lulu, offer everything you need to self-publish. They handle book design, printing, distribution, and sometimes marketing too.

  • IngramSpark charges $49 to upload a print book and provides many formatting options.
  • Lulu lets you create hardbacks, softbacks, photo books, comic books, and more. They have a pricing calculator to figure out costs.

Choosing the right POD service depends on what you need and want, like control, distribution reach, and budget. Knowing the differences between these platforms can help you pick the best one for your goals.

Ease of Use: Platform Interface and Design Tools

When you’re ready to publish your work, how easy it is to do so matters a lot. It’s not just about a clean, easy-to-use platform. It’s also about the design tools that help you make your book look great. The best print-on-demand (POD) services make sure using their platform is easy and straightforward.

It’s key to check how clear and helpful the platform’s guides and tutorials are. Can you easily find your way around the different features? Or do you get stuck with simple tasks? Look for POD services that give you detailed instructions, video guides, and quick customer support for a smooth process.

Also, think about the design tools you get to use. Can you easily upload and format your book, like an ePub or PDF? Do the platforms let you customize your cover, book layout, and even offer options for hardcover or specialty bindings? The more design options a POD service has, the easier it is to make your book look professional.

Bulk upload features are great for authors with many books or planning to publish more. Look for POD services that let you manage all your publishing from one dashboard. This makes the process smoother and saves you time.

In the end, how easy a POD platform is to use can really affect your self-publishing journey. By choosing a platform with a user-friendly interface, great design tools, and efficient workflows, you can focus on sharing your stories with readers.

Cost Structures: Upfront Fees vs Royalty Splits

Choosing a print-on-demand (POD) service is important. You need to know about the costs and how they affect your publishing. Some services have no upfront costs but take a big part of your royalties. Others charge more at first but give you more royalties. Thinking about these can help you pick the best model for your money goals.

Understanding Publishing Costs

Publishing costs for POD services can change a lot. For example, Ingram Spark charges $25 for ebooks and $49 or more for print books. They also have a package for both ebook and print for $49 or more. On the other hand, Lulu and CreateSpace let you upload for free and only charge for printing.

IngramSpark used to offer a special deal in July where you could add a book for free. But, setting up with them can be tricky, with many choices to make. Their prices and royalty rates might not be as good as CreateSpace.

Royalty Rates Comparison

Royalty rates are key when picking a POD service. KDP Print, Amazon’s print-on-demand part, takes 40% of the retail price for books sold on Amazon. This leaves authors with a 60% royalty. IngramSpark, however, lets authors set their own wholesale discount price and change it by country.

It’s advised to set a 40-45% discount with IngramSpark. This way, book buyers get a 30-35% discount after wholesalers take their share. This helps you keep a good royalty rate and makes your books appealing to bookstores.

Knowing about publishing costs and royalty rates helps you choose the best POD service for your needs and money goals.

Flexibility and Control Over Your Book

Self-publishing gives you a lot of control over your book. You should look at pricing freedom, the ease of making updates, and how you can distribute your book. These are key factors to consider.

Pricing Freedom

Using a POD service lets you set your book’s price. Many POD platforms let you change the price to help you earn more or reach your audience better.

Updating and Revisions

Being able to easily update your book is important. Some POD services make it easy to add new content or fix mistakes. This keeps your book up-to-date and looking good.

Distribution Exclusivity

It’s key to know where your book can be sold and any rules about selling it. Many platforms let you sell your book in many places. But some might ask you to sell only through them, limiting your choices.

Looking at the flexibility and control POD services offer helps you make the right choices for your book.

Quick Recommendation: Click here to Boost Your Self-Publishing Success with Book Bolt! This is an awesome tool for creating and selling low content books. The puzzle generation component alone is worth the price of a pro subscription.

IngramSpark vs. Lulu: Which POD Service is Better?

Choosing between IngramSpark and Lulu for self-publishing is a big decision. Both offer print-on-demand services but have different strengths and weaknesses. Let’s look at what makes each stand out.

IngramSpark’s Strengths

IngramSpark connects authors to a huge network of over 39,000 retailers worldwide. This includes bookstores and libraries. It also has lower costs for full-color books and offers various trim sizes. This makes it great for self-publishers with different needs.

Lulu’s Advantages

Lulu is known for its easy-to-use platform and better royalties for sales on its site. It also gives discounts for buying books in bulk. This is great for authors who want to sell their books themselves. But, Lulu might not reach as many places as IngramSpark does.

Choosing between IngramSpark and Lulu depends on what you need for your book. If you want to reach many readers and save on full-color printing costs, go with IngramSpark. If you prefer a simpler platform and higher royalties for direct sales, Lulu might be better.

Both IngramSpark and Lulu are trusted POD services. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and what you want from your publishing experience.

IngramSpark vs Lulu comparison

Print and Ebook Self-Publishing Platforms Compared

Self-published authors have many options for publishing their work. Amazon KDP, Barnes & Noble Press, and Apple Books Publishing each have their own pros and cons. Knowing about their reach, royalties, and specific needs can help you pick the best one for your goals.

Amazon KDP

Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is a top choice for self-publishing. It lets you publish both print and ebook editions easily. You can earn up to 70% on ebook sales and use Amazon’s wide distribution network. It also offers print-on-demand, so you don’t have to worry about inventory.

But, to use KDP’s strong marketing tools, you must sell your ebooks only on Amazon for a while. This might be okay for authors focused on the Kindle market but could limit your reach elsewhere.

Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble Press supports both print and ebook publishing. It may not reach as many readers as Amazon, but it lets you tap into the Barnes & Noble bookstore network. You can set your own prices and control your book’s distribution.

This platform doesn’t require exclusivity, letting you sell your work on various platforms. This is great for authors wanting to reach a wide audience beyond Kindle.

Apple Books Publishing

Apple Books Publishing, once iBooks Author, is Apple’s platform for ebooks. It’s easy to use and works well with Apple products. It’s perfect for authors who already have an Apple audience.

Apple Books might not reach as many readers as Amazon or Barnes & Noble. But, it can help authors use Apple’s strong brand and reach Apple users. The platform also has great tools for making ebooks look good.

Choosing between these platforms depends on your goals, audience, and what you like. Look at their features, royalties, and how they distribute books to make a choice that fits your publishing plan.

Audiobook Self-Publishing Options

As an author, you have many ways to make and share audiobook versions of your work. This article mainly talks about print-on-demand and ebooks, but audiobooks are also a great choice. Platforms like ACX, Findaway Voices, and Author’s Republic help you turn your stories into audio.

ACX connects authors with professional narrators for high-quality audiobooks. You can pick from royalty share or pay-per-finished-hour models based on your budget. After finishing your audiobook, ACX can send it to big retailers like Amazon, Audible, and iTunes.

Findaway Voices is another top choice for self-publishing audiobooks. They offer everything from narration to global distribution. With Findaway Voices, you keep more control and get higher royalties than traditional ways.

  • Findaway Voices: Offers comprehensive audiobook production and distribution services, allowing you to retain more control and earn higher royalties.
  • Author’s Republic: Provides a streamlined approach to audiobook self-publishing, with distribution to major platforms like Audible, Apple Books, and Google Play Books.
  • SoundLibrary: Specializes in audiobook production and distribution, offering services such as narration, editing, and marketing to help you create and promote your audiobook.

When looking into audiobook self-publishing, it’s important to check out different audio publishing platforms. This way, you can find the best one for your needs and budget. Using these tools and services can help you make more money and reach more readers with your books.

audiobook self publishing

PlatformRoyalty RateNotable Features
ACX25-50% of list priceConnects authors with professional narrators, distribution to Audible and other major retailers
Findaway VoicesUp to 80% of list priceComprehensive audiobook production and distribution services, global reach
Author’s Republic50-90% of list priceStreamlined audiobook self-publishing, distribution to major platforms like Audible and Apple Books


Choosing the right print-on-demand service is key for self-published authors. Look at the features, costs, and control each platform offers. This way, you can pick the best one for your needs and likes.

Platforms like Amazon KDP, Blurb, and Acutrack have different printing and distribution options. Each has its own strengths and things to consider. Think about what matters most to you, like royalty rates, customization, or ease of use. This will help you find a platform that fits your goals.

Choosing a self-publishing platform is a personal decision. It should match your publishing needs, budget, and future goals. By looking at all the options and understanding their differences, you can pick the best one for your self-publishing journey.

Quick Recommendation: Click here to Boost Your Self-Publishing Success with Book Bolt! This is an awesome tool for creating and selling low content books. The puzzle generation component alone is worth the price of a pro subscription.


What are the key features to consider when selecting a print-on-demand (POD) service?

When picking a POD service, look at the print quality, how wide it distributes, and how much you can customize your book.

What are the different types of POD book services?

POD book services fall into three main types: retailer platforms, aggregator platforms, and full-service platforms.

How important is the ease of use and platform interface for a POD service?

It’s very important for the POD service to be easy to use. Look for clear design tools, helpful user guides, and support for uploading many files at once.

How do I analyze the cost structures of POD services?

It’s key to look at the costs of POD services. Check the costs for making the book, distributing it, and what royalties you’ll get. This helps you pick the best option for your budget.

What aspects of authorial control should I investigate when selecting a POD service?

Check if the POD service lets you set your own book prices, update your book, or make changes. See if you can sell your book elsewhere or if it’s only sold through them. Also, find out if they offer useful stats on your book’s success.

What are the strengths and advantages of IngramSpark and Lulu as POD services?

IngramSpark is great because it connects directly to Ingram’s wide distribution network, has lower costs for full-color books, and offers various trim sizes. Lulu is easy to use, gives higher royalties for sales on its site, and offers discounts for buying in bulk.

What other self-publishing platforms should I consider besides POD services?

Besides POD services, authors can also use platforms like Amazon KDP, Barnes & Noble Press, and Apple Books Publishing to publish their books in print and ebook formats.

What options do I have for producing and distributing audiobook versions of my work?

For making and sharing audiobooks, authors can use ACX, Findaway Voices, and Author’s Republic. These platforms help bring stories to life in audio.

Heads up – This post includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may received a commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products which I have personally vetted.

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Alyson Gills
?? Sussex, UK based mum, juggling a career in finance with the joys of family life and two lovably bonkers rescue dogs! ? ? On a mission to ditch the daily grind by exploring the world of side hustles and online money-making. From rent2rent and matched betting to TikTok and affiliate marketing, I’m always eager to try new ventures. ? ? Passionate about health and nutrition, I’m also a qualified nutritional therapist. Join me as I navigate the challenges and triumphs of building multiple income streams while striving for better work-life balance. ? Let’s connect, share experiences, and grow together! ? #sidehustles #workfromhome #affiliatemarketing #financialfreedom #nutritionaltherapy

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